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Sounder Sleep System ™
Система Спокійного Сну ™

FREE 90 minute workshop
БЕЗКОШТОВНИЙ воркшоп на 1,5 години

16:00 Україна CEST
Time zone converter (Конвертер часових поясів)

10:00am New York, 3:00pm London UK , 5:00pm Tel Aviv


improve your sleep - improve your life

Paris Kern is building on the work of Michael Krugman who founded the Sounder Sleep System. Paris emphasizes that as a new teacher your repertoire and understanding of the work will include many variations of the movement lessons so that you can accommodate students from various backgrounds. Paris brings out creative abilities in her students and trainees. The Sounder Sleep System Teacher Training will enable you to understand the Sounder Sleep System in ways that allow you to adapt the lessons to teach in whatever context you choose, such as a clinical setting, educational program, community wellness.